Jul 30, 2023

Ensuring Gift Products Are Hidden in Shopify Without an App

Shopify offers a versatile e-commerce platform, allowing store owners to customize their online shops to meet specific needs. One common requirement is the ability to hide gift products without relying on third-party apps. In this article, we'll explore a step-by-step guide on achieving this without the need for additional plugins.

Step 1: Identify the Gift Products

Before proceeding, identify the products in your Shopify store that you want to designate as gifts. Note down their product IDs or any other unique identifiers.

Step 2: Edit Liquid Templates

Shopify uses Liquid, a templating language, to customize the storefront. Access your Shopify store's theme code editor and locate the template file responsible for rendering product pages.

Add the following code to the template file:


{% if product.id == 'your_gift_product_id' %} {% assign hide_product = true %} {% endif %}

replace 'your_gift_product_id' with the actual product ID of your gift product. Repeat this block for each gift product you want to hide.

Step 3: Modify Product Listings

If you also want to hide gift products from collection listings, repeat the process in the liquid file responsible for rendering product listings.

{% for product in collection.products %}
{% if 
 == 'your_gift_product_id' %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Your existing product listing code here -->
{% endfor %}

Step 4: Apply Changes

After making the necessary changes, save the template files. Ensure to preview your changes in the Shopify theme editor and verify that the gift products are now hidden.

Step 5: Clear Cache (if applicable)

In some cases, changes may not reflect immediately due to caching. If your Shopify store has caching enabled, clear the cache to see the updated storefront.


By following these steps, you can hide gift products in your Shopify store without the need for third-party apps. This approach provides a straightforward solution, allowing you to manage your store efficiently and maintain control over the visibility of gift items. Remember to regularly check your store and adapt the solution as needed, especially when making changes to your theme or product catalog.

If you have any questions or encounter issues, Shopify's documentation and community forums are valuable resources for finding additional assistance. Happy customizing!